
Johnson Babalola, a Toronto, Canada based immigration lawyer, uses dialogue style to address the myriads of problems that make many Nigerians seek refuge in the West. Examples are in the areas of electricity, water, public transportation, healthcare, education, the justice system, infrastructure, safety, pension and others

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Dende, like many in his class, had never seen a lion. His knowledge of the animal was from the daily folk stories told by his parents, uncles, aunts, and others after supper. He had many images of the animal in his mind.
At this time, the room was dead silent. Unfortunately, most of the government representatives had left. They left after delivering their opening speeches and taking part in photo ops. Their jobs were done. To them, there was no need to interact with the youths and hear their stories.
Recall your burial? Emotions were high. I gave you my words publicly and privately, especially each time I visited your burial ground. I promised that I would never fall in love with another man again. You would be my last, I had said to you many times.
Then an opportunity came at my place of work. I informed B to apply through the normal process. She did. I recused myself from the panel that conducted the interviews. I did not influence their decisions and did not inform them that B was related to me.
Then at 4.45pm, my friend’s wife called me: “your friend is refusing to leave home because he wants to watch a premier league soccer game. That will take him to 6pm. Please talk to him.” Ah! Not today bro, I muted under my breath.
The hospital was a high end one in a posh part of Lagos. My friend was not surprised since KL’s father was not a poor man. At the hospital reception, my friend was directed to a private room. He was informed daddy, as he referred to KL’s father, was expecting him.
I recall your burial. It was emotional. Everyone that spoke had one positive thing or the other to say about you. Not a single negative word was said about you.
We got busy with church and business activities, and before we knew it, it was graduation time for Hope who had done exceptionally well.
“I am sorry I lied. I did not know the package he gave me contained all that information. He did a good job. I was the one that messed up. Not him.”