It remains perplexing why administrators of post-secondary institutions struggle to rally their alumni and leverage their financial capabilities to enhance their schools. This idea merits the establishment of dedicated teams equipped with world-class technology, accounting, fundraising, and networking skills.
Later, at a hotel in Ikeja, I enjoyed a complimentary breakfast of sweet potatoes and egg sauce. Despite the pleasant environment, I noticed there was no water provided unless purchased separately. Opting for tea, I overheard a man across from me expressing his discontent to a waitress. “Is there no normal water?” he asked.
It is wiser to have a domestically educated child who enjoys good mental health, rather than a foreign educated one grappling with mental health issues caused by culture shock, inadequate funds, loneliness, lack of support, racism, abuse, inadequate preparation and others, leading to health issues, confusion, sense of failure, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, resentment and eventual detachment from loved ones. Exercise prudence in choices that can impact your child’s mental and future well-being.
KT suggested I try multiple times, but luck was not on my side. I overheard others facing the same issue. I heard a man sitting not too far from my table thanking his wife for having some cash on her, “but for you, this would have been very embarrassing”, he said to the wife who responded with what seemed like a “I got your back always” smile.
A quick call to my wife or one of my children, and it would be sorted in no time. I had taken their presence and assistance for granted. At 6:30 pm, I decided to head to the Gala, intending to find someone there to help. In the parking lot of the event center, I gave it one more try, and miraculously, I succeeded! I felt happy, relieved, and proud of my persistence.
Always remember that there is another lawyer next door who will continue from where you had stopped if you are unable to continue due to ill health. So, set boundaries, keep to them, and have your “me” time alone. Health, as they say, is wealth.
Around 2 a.m., a thunderous pounding echoed from the main door leading to the communal hallway. The banging was relentless and jarring, accompanied by multiple voices. The leader’s voice boomed, repeatedly shouting, “Toronto bo sode o!” (Toronto, come outside!).
I remarked, “Although imagined, that’s a deeply moving story.” He continued, “Indeed. My colleagues also shared equally powerful anecdotes. Our audience included judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and representatives from other law enforcement agencies. One judge recounted a scenario where a bribe had been accepted to release an armed robbery suspect.
TT and I caught up on several things: wine, women, work, and life in general. Then I started asking him questions about a few of our friends and classmates at school. Where GB now? I would ask. Then he would respond that GB was in South Africa.