
Johnson Babalola, a Toronto, Canada based immigration lawyer, uses dialogue style to address the myriads of problems that make many Nigerians seek refuge in the West. Examples are in the areas of electricity, water, public transportation, healthcare, education, the justice system, infrastructure, safety, pension and others

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When you entered our lives, we were well-established, providing you with the best. Unlike my early life, you enjoyed privileges—cornflakes, milk, private schools, chauffeurs, colored TV, and overseas vacations. You’ve had a good life, my child. We have also raised you well. We taught you to treat others as you would like to be treated and to make integrity your companion.
However, amid these challenges, hope persists. Stories of individuals making significant contributions to their communities, like the one encountered in Toronto, provide inspiration. There, someone invested in the education system and infrastructure of their hometown, sparking a positive change.
It remains perplexing why administrators of post-secondary institutions struggle to rally their alumni and leverage their financial capabilities to enhance their schools. This idea merits the establishment of dedicated teams equipped with world-class technology, accounting, fundraising, and networking skills.
Later, at a hotel in Ikeja, I enjoyed a complimentary breakfast of sweet potatoes and egg sauce. Despite the pleasant environment, I noticed there was no water provided unless purchased separately. Opting for tea, I overheard a man across from me expressing his discontent to a waitress. “Is there no normal water?” he asked.
It is wiser to have a domestically educated child who enjoys good mental health, rather than a foreign educated one grappling with mental health issues caused by culture shock, inadequate funds, loneliness, lack of support, racism, abuse, inadequate preparation and others, leading to health issues, confusion, sense of failure, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, resentment and eventual detachment from loved ones. Exercise prudence in choices that can impact your child’s mental and future well-being.
KT suggested I try multiple times, but luck was not on my side. I overheard others facing the same issue. I heard a man sitting not too far from my table thanking his wife for having some cash on her, “but for you, this would have been very embarrassing”, he said to the wife who responded with what seemed like a “I got your back always” smile.
“And as for the judiciary, think of the Yoruba word ‘judi,’ which means ‘to shake your bum’.” He playfully shook his behind, and the students erupted in laughter once again, some even exchanging high-fives. “Mr. Jalingo is quite the entertainer,” Dende remarked to his seatmate, Titi, who nodded in agreement.
When I received the transaction alert, the name of the beneficiary caught my attention. It had the same first and last name as my friend, but a different middle name. It was not my friend! Panic set in, and I muttered to myself, “Kini mo se yi?” which translates to “What have I done?” Let’s refer to the unintended recipient as TKK.
They don’t like long discussions. So, our discussions last for about 5 minutes each time. My husband complains about this all the time but for me, it is ok. They are learning independence. We have a family Whatsapp group but they hardly comment on it. They said they are too busy studying and I understand that. We don’t want to distract them. May you never be distracted from your goals”.