
Johnson Babalola, a Toronto, Canada based immigration lawyer, uses dialogue style to address the myriads of problems that make many Nigerians seek refuge in the West. Examples are in the areas of electricity, water, public transportation, healthcare, education, the justice system, infrastructure, safety, pension and others

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As I savored each bite, gratitude swelled within me for the provision and the care with which it was prepared. Yet, I couldn’t help but ponder the emphasis on okra over other ingredients like snail and fish. The answer soon dawned on me: okra’s enduring appeal lies in its simplicity and accessibility.
During one of our mentorship sessions, our focus turned to change leadership, prompting a profound discussion on the dynamics of leadership in Nigeria. Our mentor posed a thought-provoking question: “If Nigeria were a PLC today, would you invest in it?”
“Mayiyagbe, my only child, you know the hardships we’ve endured,” she began, recounting the loss of his father and the subsequent family disputes over inheritance. She pleaded with him to preserve their modest home; the only symbol of their resilience left. “Ma jen jiya yi lasan” (don’t let my sufferings be in vain), she pleaded.
P responded, suggesting that the timing wasn’t conducive for love, citing financial hardships plaguing not just Nigeria but the world at large. He then proceeded to share a story.
• Unwavering support, shunning opposition. • Blessings cascading, shielding from curses. • Celebration of happiness, banishing shadows of sadness. • Abundant joy, pushing sorrow aside.
B, born into affluence but deprived of parental attention, yearns for a different reality. Despite the wealth surrounding him, he desires the warmth of poor but attentive parents. His wish underscores the universal craving for genuine connections and emotional fulfillment.
Certain greetings carry a predictable pattern, often leading to a subsequent request. This becomes evident when dealing with individuals who rarely initiate contact, reserving their communication for moments of need.
Subsequent calls unfold a spectrum of emotions. Auntie P joyously shares news of her son securing a good job, praising amidst his mother’s amens. A heartbreaking call follows, with his mother consoling a schoolmate who has just lost her son.
On this particular morning, after a refreshing walk, I indulged in a simple yet satisfying breakfast of yam and free-range steamed eggs, washed down with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.